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Protecting technology and business – Intellectual Property Basics

Satellite Applications Catapult Building Harwell Campus, OX11 0QR, United Kingdom

The first in this new series of free IP education sessions will cover different types of intellectual property that may be used to protect innovations. We will briefly touch upon trademarks, copyright, design protection and trade secrets before moving onto a more in-depth discussion of patents and the process and […]

Public Speaking Workshop

Quad Two Rutherford Avenue, Harwell Campus, Harwell

Join Polly Tisdall as we unravel the art of presenting and storytelling to help you gain confidence, inspire your audience. Focusing on effective storytelling for public speaking, these 2 sessions will provide you with a portfolio of exercises, approaches and techniques to enable you to better present your work to diverse […]

In situ experiments and Digital Volume Correlation Training Course

Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Visitors Centre - Hamilton Room Fermi Avenue Harwell Campus Didcot Oxfordshire

Digital Volume Correlation (DVC) is a powerful experimental technique that computes 3D full-field displacement and strain maps from volumes images acquired during a deformation process of a material. DVC is the 3D extension of Digital Image Correlation (DIC) which was first described four decades ago. The emergence of DVC started […]

Professional Headshot Session

Zeta Building

We are offering a professional headshot opportunity with photographer Tom Weller for campus members on 17th October. Slots will last 5 minutes and numbers are limited so are available on a first come, first served basis. Book your place here Please only book one session and keep your appointment. If you can […]

vEM Technology Forum

Rosalind Franklin Institute Fermi Avenue, Harwell

The inaugural Volume EM Technology Forum will be hosted by the Rosalind Franklin Institute at the ESA Conference Centre on Harwell Campus. The three-day conference will focus on sharing and, hopefully, resolving technical issues, as well as fostering the volume EM community. Attendees can expect technical presentations, posters, and panel discussions, as […]

Harwell Connect @ ESA ECSAT

ESA / ECSAT Conference Centre European Space Agency (ESA) Conference Centre Fermi Ave, Harwell

We are delighted to announce the next Harwell Connect event will be hosted by the European Space Agency (ESA) at ECSAT on Tuesday 22 October 2024, 10:30-12:00. We have an exciting panel of speakers lined up for you on a variety of activities hosted by ECSAT, including: An introduction to ESA ECSAT and its ambitious 10-year […]

Inside Diamond Schools – Post 16 Open Day

Diamond Light Diamond Light Source Ltd Diamond House Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, Didcot, Oxfordshire

Inside Diamond Schools is a series of events aimed at A-level or equivalent students, welcoming them to Diamond Light Source to meet our scientists, find out about the exciting work taking place here, and have a tour of the synchrotron itself. It’s hoped that by visiting Diamond, students will learn […]

Inside Diamond – Public Open Day

Diamond Light Diamond Light Source Ltd Diamond House Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, Didcot, Oxfordshire

Our Inside Diamond open day events offer the chance for members of the public to visit the facility and see inside our particle accelerator and experimental laboratories. You will also meet some of the scientists that use Diamond and can ask them about the work they do – everything from […]

RAL Lecture: 70 Years of Particle Accelerators on the Harwell Campus


Come along to R22 Pickavance Lecture Theatre or join online to hear from Alan Letchford, STFC RAL (ISIS), on the subject of particle accelerators. The design and operation of particle accelerators has been an important part of the work carried out on the Harwell site since its earliest days in the 1940s. Since […]

Diversity and Inclusion Networking Breakfast

Quad Two Rutherford Avenue, Harwell Campus, Harwell

Are you interested in, or do you work in diversity and inclusion? Join us for a our networking breakfast event on Tuesday 5 November from 08:40 in Quad Two, as we look to bring together and unite diverse groups and individuals committed to creating an inclusive, innovative, and supportive campus community. Connect with like-minded individuals: […]

Advanced Scripting and Batching of Tomographic Datasets Training Course

Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Visitors Centre - Hamilton Room Fermi Avenue Harwell Campus Didcot Oxfordshire

Although X-ray tomography is an attractive characterisation technique in materials science, it generates a huge amount of data at a fast rate and it can be extremely time consuming to process the data manually. A great benefit to creating scripts and plugins in Avizo is the ability to reuse a […]

SPACEtalks 5.0

ESA / ECSAT Conference Centre European Space Agency (ESA) Conference Centre Fermi Ave, Harwell

Building on the success of previous editions, SPACEtalks returns for its 5th instalment with an exciting new format. This year, the event spans three full days, featuring insightful presentations and discussions on existing markets, future markets, and security. At SPACEtalks, we unite top-tier international speakers to delve into the latest […]