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RAL Lecture: 70 Years of Particle Accelerators on the Harwell Campus

October 31, 2024 @ 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Come along to R22 Pickavance Lecture Theatre or join online to hear from Alan Letchford, STFC RAL (ISIS), on the subject of particle accelerators.

The design and operation of particle accelerators has been an important part of the work carried out on the Harwell site since its earliest days in the 1940s. Since those early days, the technology has matured so that globally today, there are approximately 30,000 particle accelerators ranging from small machines used for industrial and medical applications, through to massive machines covering many square kilometres used in fundamental research.

This talk will give a brief introduction to what particle accelerators are and how they work before telling the story of the Proton Linear Accelerator project of the 1950s and how it has a surprising connection to the cutting-edge research carried out at Harwell today.

If you are interested in attending either online or in person, please get in touch below to express your interest.


October 31, 2024
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
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